Friday, August 8, 2008

"CHANGE we can beleive in"

We had an interesting day today. Helen had went to town and I was at home with Nathan and Samantha. About noon or so, I was cooking lunch and Sam was sleeping, and Nathan was playing on the floor. All of a sudden he came to me and said "money". I asked him where "money" was, and he pointed to his belly and opened his mouth. I asked if he had eaten some money and he said "uh huh". Then he said "get it Daddy!" I told him I couldn't see it. He started crying a little and asked again for me to get it. So, I told him to open his mouth so I could see the money. He did, but I couldn't see anything. He wasn't having any trouble breathing or anything. I gave him something to drink, and he could swallow alright so I began to wonder if he had really swallowed anything. I called mom and asked her what she thought. She said we should call the doctor's office and ask them. Who would of thought of calling a doctor? That's why mom's are the greatest! They said that we need to take him to the ER just in case if he did swallow anything to make sure it wasn't lodged somewhere in his throat or belly.
The ordeal at the hospital was interesting to say the least. Let's just say that Nathan does not like doctors or nurses. When one of them would start to check his pulse, or blood pressure, or listen to his breathing, he would kick and scream at the top of his lungs and try to crawl over my shoulders to get away from them. He was like a wet cat that thought you were trying to put back into a bathtub. He pitched a fit like I've never seen. It was fun trying to get an X-ray of his midsection. He didn't want a picture taken of his belly. He flipped and flopped like a fish out of water and screamed as loud as he possibly could. We got the X-ray though. I held both of his arms while a nurse held his legs down and a third person actually took the X-ray. When the doctor came back in, they showed us the X-ray. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. are the proud parents of a "walking piggy bank"!! He had certainly swallowed some kind of coin. It looked like it might be a nickel; we'll find out in a day or two when the deposit clears.
Life is never dull when you have a toddler, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.


Rich and Vic said...

Aren't children grand ? Maybe he will get some interest and a dollar will come out !!

Carol said...

Who's on the "deposit" watch? I don't think I'll be asking you for change anytime soon.

Nancy Seaman said...

Nobody beats David who stuck the little pieces of foam in his ears because Helen was crying so loud. And then there was Jed with the peanuts up his nose. This is why I keep tweezers on hand, they are not just for chin hairs.

The Vicars said...

I WILL NOT be using tweezers or anything of the like if my child swallows something. I'll just let it "run its course". I mean if he gets something in his nose or ears, fine, but swallowing something...I'll leave it to the surgeons if need be.

The Sauls Family said...

Hey mom- it was me who stuck the foam balls in my ears because Helen was crying! I remember it vividly.