Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I really should blog more.

I always felt a post would be better with pictures. Since at the moment I have yet to develop any (I am old school, no digital camera) I guess I should overcome that assumption so at least y'all will know what is happening in our family. First let me tell you about our newest addition. NO, I am still pregnant and feeling bigger and more tired everyday. That great event won't happen until July. I am talking about Harley. Harley is our new puppy that we adopted from the humane society. We are not sure what kind of dog he is other than he is tan and black. They said he was a Carin terrier mix but the vet who kept him just laughed. I don't care what kind of dog he is as long as he doesn't get too big. We made sure to ask that at least. So far he is doing really well. He plays with the kids and loves to fetch. I figured that I didn't have enough to do with two kids, one that is potty training, another one on the way; that I would allow a dog to enter into the house. I know how happy it makes Ryan and I guess he needed some happiness in his life since he has to live with me. :) Speaking of Ryan...his job is still going great. He has finished training troopers to do what he does and now he has the opportunity to go through school to become a trooper himself. Which now I enter into the picture. This Trooper school is rumored to start on July 1st. Which under normal circumstances is fine, but seeing how I am to deliver our third child a few weeks later...well the story continues. Also to be rumored is the fact that normally the students (Ryan) aren't allowed to go home for the first 8(+/-) weeks. (This is the thing that scares me just a little.) I know there are hundreds if not thousand of women who give birth without their husbands, but that's them not me. Actually I am okay if he is not there, I'll be very sad yes, but I know I have tons of family around. My problem is not knowing for sure if he is or isn't going to be there. I have to have plans ahead of time. I have to pick who is to go into the delivery room with me, find someone who will be able to drive me to mine and the baby's appointments,help take care of me and the other two kids in case I don't recover well after the c-section and on top of all that, Nathan will start preschool a week or two after the baby is born. GEE WHIZ!!! I may just be over reacting but oh well, I am entitled to it for right now. I just what to know what is going to happen. The great news is Ryan, the kids and I are going on a vacation. A real vacation. This wonderful event is all because of my awesome in-laws. Nonna and Papa Rich wanted to take us all to the beach before the baby comes. So in about two more weeks...Destin here I (we) come. I have finally bought me maternity swimsuit (hopefully it will arrive before we leave) so I am ready. The week after that we have the annual reunion and my cousins Corey and Nikki will be visiting and staying with us. Very excited for them to come. I will get to see their son Derek for the first time. Oh wait! This weekend we get a visit from Ryan's Grandma Re. We are so excited that she will be here as well. The kids and us always get so excited to see her. So see at least I get to have a lot of fun before the new baby comes. As I said about Nathan, he will be starting preschool come August and he seems to be very excited about that. Of course I'll blog more on that as time gets closer. He is very much enjoying Harley and playing with him. He is saying new funny things everyday. Still working on potty training, but doing really well. Diapers are only used at night and he is starting to pee standing up. He is so excited about that. Samantha is sassy as ever. Attitude and sweetness all at the same time. She babbles a lot but hasn't said any real words yet. She loves playing with Harley too, even though he is almost bigger than she is. She is definitely in the monkey see monkey do stage where she wants to do everything Nathan is doing. Still she makes Ryan and I laugh with all her personality and mood swings. So as you can see we are all doing well and having as much fun as we can. As always I will try to post more often, but no guarantees.


Susan said...

I love to read your blogs...Believe it or not, I will be free-as in no school of any kind" online or off- so use me and abuse me if you need to when the little babinski gets ready to come. I am almost bald and can talk really low, so I could impersonate Ryan for you :-)
It is hard to believe that Nathan is ready for preschool-just think- about 9 more years before he gets to come see Aunt Susie as a student-not a visitor to play with my army men!

Carol said...

Hey, if you decide to have the baby while we're there for the reunion, I can be with you just as I was with your mom when you were born.

And yes, you really should blog more. I love reading about you, the kids and Ryan.

Rich and Vic said...

OMG, you haven't ALREADY decided that "psycho" Nonna will be going in to deliver ? I am crushed.
Just kidding..as much as I complain about not knowing what the babies are I would be just as happy sitting out in the waiting room and wait for Sister Dijong (?) to spill the beans again

The Vicars said...

Aunt Susie - I'll definitley have to take you up on your offer. Nothing is concret yet but it looks like it will be dry very soon.

Aunt Carol - As much as I would love for you to be here when the baby is born...I don't think I could handle it if the baby came in three weeks.

Nonna - Of course you are first on the list for being in the delivery room with. It was just a matter of finding out if you really want to be in their to "see the whole show." I actually wouldn't mind a couple of people to be in there with me, I'll just have to ask Dr. Edmondson how many I can have under the circumstances.

Nancy Seaman said...

I like the new layout. Who cares who is in there, the big question will be when. We can't miss the first day of school.

Gawdun said...

about time you get back here I been waiting on pins and nails to read some new news. Haha "new news" I crack myself up. Anyways good to hear things are well! Im glad there will be time in June that you wont be on the cahoots all about, I mean you wouldnt want to miss my grand re-entry to Tifton with the mother unit! LOL.

Rich and Vic said...

I have been thinking...I think Jed should go in with you.
Also I will name the baby for you, thats one less stress you will have. I'll let you know what other great idea's I come up with.

The Sauls Family said...

I'll go in with you if you want. I've been there, done that. I can give you a play-by-play like James did for me: "Helen! I can see you Fallopian Tubes! Oooh, now your uterus is on your stomach! Awesome!"See? Who wouldn't want that?