Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My White Knight

Okay so Ryan will probaly kill me for this but I just had too.

These were taken at the Saturday festivities of the Reunion. Ryan was taking the kids swimming for the first time this year. I of course was wanting to take pictures. I needed to snap of a few to get the roll going so Ryan did a little posing for me. Isn't he so scrupulous! Bytheway, no he doesn't have a shirt on...he really is that white ;P Both Nathan and Sammie love the water. Nathan is trying to swim a little. He is getting to the point where he is jumping off the side without any help. Sammie is ready to go. I haven't dunked her under the water yet, she has had colds and other infections, but I can't wait. She is ready for it. They will both splash and kick and laugh the whole time. Amazingly with both of them being so fair skinned, neither has come out of the pool with a sunburn. I love Sammie's swimsuit and Nathan is loving his "Cars" trunks!

1 comment:

The Sauls Family said...

James said you should call Ryan your Pasty White Knight.

Did Samantha really need to sandals on her feet? I think not!