Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Independence Day!!

As my grandfather so proudly stated last Sunday... It is Independence Day not the 4th of July. We don't celebrate the 25th of December or 31st of October, so why is it that we celebrate the 4th of July?? It made me rethink the holiday. I personally love Independence Day.

I am grateful that I do live here America. I love BBQs, eating watermelon, being dressed in Red, White, and Blue, and I especially love the FIREWORKS!!!. I wish every holiday celebrated with fireworks. I personally feel that the louder they are the better. This year I have to admit was a bit of a let down. We went to the Agrirama last year and had a great view,so we went again this year. We went early to make sure we found our spot again and ended up waiting a good hour and half for the fireworks to start. At about 9:35ish they finally started.

It was going good. Nathan didn't cry and Sam just watched in amazement. Then lots of fireworks went off...was is the finale already...couldn't's only be going for 10! Sure enough it was, but I must add that at the point the finale began, a rocket shot off and started a fire in the woods. We all figured that due to safety reasons they ended the show early. That is what we are telling ourselves anyway. All in all we did enjoy the time together. So remember for next year...Happy Independence Day!


Rich and Vic said...

has anyone ever seen cuter babies !!?

Nancy Seaman said...

one of your best blogs! Very heartfelt and great photos. I used to love Independence Day also until I started working at the Agrirama. Then it just became the 4th of July.

Melissa Nickle, Owner of Blossom Sweet said...

Helen!!!! Oh my gosh, baby nathan isn't really 'baby' nathan anymore! he's so big! And what a cute little girl you have! I love her dress and I can't believe how big she's getting. Love you guys!