Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Potty Training 101

So last week I decided that I would buckle down and introduce Nathan to the potty. He had gone on it before but that was awhile back and it was more of a fun thing as opposed to a necessary thing. So, I woke up eager and ready to start. Nathan has been wearing Pull-Ups so I told him that today he would be wearing big boy underwear. He was very excited. I put them on and a shirt to keep things simple. I set him on the potty and waited. Nothing happened, but that's okay he tried. I then set the timer for 20 minutes to help remind me to set him on it again. No sooner had 15 minutes passed when I discovered that he had wet his underwear. I didn't yell or scream or even scold. I just took him into the bathroom and gave him the potty talk while he sat on the potty again. I asked him him where does his tee-tee go and he responded, "In the Potty!" I gave him a high-five and told him that's right. I also reaffirmed the difference between wet and dry and that we wanted him to keep his big boy underwear dry. Of course he said in his most excited way "OH-Kay!" Off the potty and into his room to put on a clean and dry pair of underwear. Set the timer again. This time however, 15 minutes. Occasionally I would ask him if his big boy underwear was dry and he would say yes. However, in 2-5 minutes time, after we had changed him before, he had wet again. Oh ! I forgot to mention that while doing this with Nathan I had Sammie going around commando. She had woken up and had a terrible diaper rash, so I was letting her little rear get some air. Back to Nathan. So after this round of wetting I repeated everything as before. Third pair of underwear were on after sitting on the potty for at least 15 minutes to "make sure all the tee-tee had come out". Once again about 2-5 minutes later..."Potty,Potty," Nathan let me know that he had already wet. Repeat steps. All in all in about a hour and half time, Nathan had successfully gone through no less than 7 pairs of big boy underwear while Sammie had successfully peed on me and all in her bed while taking her nap.( I expected that of Sam though.) We ended the morning by putting on a pull-up to take a nap. I had even called Ryan and let him know that if he felt so inclined as to leave work early, today would be a great day. He just laughed at me. I couldn't believe he would do that. Anyway, day 1 of training did not go well,but hey try and try again. So yesterday I did that. Day 2 of training. I am pleased to announce that we only went through 2 pairs of underwear! No, no tee-tee entered into the potty though. I am just happy that he stayed dryer longer. So I will continue to try. In the meantime, please enjoy my funny story and I will keep you posted on the progress.


The Sauls Family said...

I hate potty training. It's a big pain and I refuse to do it ever again. The kid will go when he or she is ready. I still thank heaven for Cassey Thibault, who basically potty trained Bella.

Have I mentioned I hate potty training and that I think it's a waste of time?

Anonymous said...

The good thing about potty training is that eventually you won't have to buy diapers for that kid any more. Good Luck guys!!!