Saturday, September 27, 2008

We have urination in the toilet!

Finally we have a success with potty training. Nathan went tee tee yesterday not only once but twice! Can I just tell you how happy that makes me. I tried not to resort to food bribes, but I gave in and told him that if he went he could have some cookies. We called Ryan and let him know, then we called Nonna. Everyone was very happy. He has sat on the potty in the past but never would go. He only sit there and "play" with his penis. Do all boys go through that? He has actually begun to tell us that he has a "big penis". It is quite funny because he grunts when he says it. Once again, are all little boys like this, or do I need to be concerned? He does love to wear his big boy underwear and likes the fact that he keeps them dry (which is easy to do when he has a pull-up under them). Oh well, I am just so happy that he has gone in the potty. I hope he only continues going in the potty. I'll keep you posted.


Rich and Vic said...

he cracks me up with the "penis" stuff, all little guys go thru the holding/playing with it stage. come to think of it do they ever grow out of it ??? no really i wouldn't be too concerned, just keep doing what you are in talking to him and making him keep his hand out of his pants

Carol said...

My potty training method with all the bijillon little ones I had was...put the kids backwards on the toilet every half hour or on the hour. M&M's work real well too.

Believe me, I know how exciting it is for the potty training. Now just wait until he can take a shower by himself.

Cassey Thibault said...

Yeah, don't worry...We dealt with that problem also. Not once but twice. Girls are easier in my opinion...