Monday, January 12, 2009

Three times a Charm!

I'm sorry, but I have to laugh. Helen and I were talking the other day, and she was commenting on how rotten she is feeling. She was saying how she can't wait until this pregnancy is over, and on and on and on about having no energy and feeling sick all the time, and I did this to her. You get the idea. Before I continue, please don't get me wrong, I have a tremendous amount of compassion and sympathy for my wife and she is doing a much better job than I could ever think of doing with staying home with 2 YOUNG children and maintaining a home all while feeling the way she does. Anyway, what I was wanting to say was that while she is NOT pregnant, she is always saying how she misses being pregnant and how much she loves it. If she could only just STAY pregnant and not have to worry about giving birth she would be perfectly happy. Now that she's pregnant, she talks about how much she hates feeling like this and you know the deal. So, I just chuckled when she was telling me the other day, and then she asked what I was laughing at and I told her. Anyway, just my perspective. Bye.

1 comment:

Nancy Seaman said...

Just be careful how you laugh at a pregnant woman!! Those of us who have been there done that can laugh all we want.