Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why did I choose do this a third time??

I know I have no reason to complain. I did this to myself (well kind of). I just keep forgetting that things tend to get worse with each child. I would be okay if I was just tired or just nauseous, but not both.I feel like I am starving all the time but heaven forbid I actually think of food. Food in general just makes me sick to even think about it. As i have told several of you already, I can't even find one "go to" food. As for being tired. I think that I could sleep at least 20 hours out of the day and still want to sleep more. I hate feeling like this. I get nothing done throughout the day and it generally doesn't make me a pleasant person to be around. I did have my first emotional pregnancy breakdown the other day. I was so ready to put my lovely children out in the middle of the road,(just in case you are wondering...I didn't) Ryan did great in listening to my babble as all of you are pretty much doing right now. Sorry. I know things will get better and that pregnancy is only temporary, but I am so ready to be over the morning/afternoon/evening/all night sickness!


Nancy Seaman said...

The third preganancy is always a bit more draining. I realized this morning that I lived on cream of wheat for awhile while pregnant with you. It was eggnog with Dave and Sub sandwiches for Jen. I can't remember with Matthew, I was in shock most of his prenancy, and pop-tarts with Jed.

Susan said...

Please, please let me know if there is anything I can do. My phone can ring even in the middle of the night! I cannot tell you I know how a third pregancy feels, but just consider this as a "once a day big hug" from Aunt Susie...You can call and babble all you want to.

Carol said...

I remember your mom couldn't even tolerate the smell, thought or taste during one of her pregnancies - I think it was with you. Just of these days you'll laugh about all of this. If nothing else it makes great conversation during an upcoming baby shower.