Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Dress and Baby Blue Suit

Easter was so exciting for me this year. I had a little girl to dress, which we all know is way more fun than a boy. I was really excited about Sam's dress. It was actually given to me at my baby shower for Nathan. A friend of Vickie's from work (Kathy) gave it to me in hopes that I was having a girl, but I didn't. I kept it however for when I would have one because I loved it so much. Well, with Sam's arrival, it worked out perfectly in sizing and time wise for her to wear as her first Easter dress. The problem now was finding an outfit for Nathan that "matched". So I had been keeping my eye out for something but wasn't finding anything. I finally thought about going to a consignment shop when I came across Nathan's blue suit. At first I was hello, the 70's are calling and they want their baby blue leisure suit back. As I continued looking around, I started visualizing the suit next to Sam's dress and the suit began to grow on me. I bought it but was still uneasy about it. When I showed it to Ryan and Vickie, they looked at me like I was crazy. They couldn't believe I had bought something like that, but I told them to look at it and picture it with Sam's dress. It didn't take long for them to at least consider it but both agreed they would have to see it on him. In the end they liked it and they both looked absolutely cute. Now getting them together for a picture is a whole other story!


The Sauls Family said...

I still don't get the coorelation between the blue suit and Samantha's dress.

Rich and Vic said...

BLUE for BOY...PINK for GIRL..duh!! lol