Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Grit and Bear It

Once gain my wonderful two year old has done something to make me laugh and frustrated at the same time. All day I have been trying to get the house back into shape from being gone last week. So I have been doing laundry, dishes, and vacuuming. I was feeling pretty good about what I had done so far. It was time for lunch and I was making sloppy Joe's. Nathan was piddling around as usual. Running here and there,jumping,playing with his trucks. One of his favorite things is to hide in the pantry. I heard him and told to get out. In a perfect world he would have done so immediately. He finally did come out...carrying a bowl of grits. I first had to think where he found them, but then I remembered we had a small container of them. He was wanting to cook. So I let him sit at the table with his bowl and a spoon. He was just stirring and cooking as happy as could be. I turned back to finish up with the sloppy Joe's. As I turned back around, I saw grits all over the table and on the floor that I had already vacuumed. Nathan just smiled up at me and said "cookin',cookin'." How could i get mad. He was so cute and so proud of what he had cooked. I just had to wait until he was done and then vacuum my floor again. aren't kids the greatest!


Anonymous said...

Yes you do...

Rich and Vic said...

You can tell Nathan gets his cooking skills from his Papa Rich's side of the family!